A downloadable mod

Do you want to have a less conventional, a less mystical, a less magical, watered-down yet absurd version of vampire in your game?

With this mod, you can form romantic relationships that don’t end when you “mate“ with a sim of your choosing, have hybrid vampire children, and violently have your revenge against other vampires! 

Download Other Characters I Recreated on Patreon!


Donate to the Move to Higher Ground Project

To Help the Quileute Tribe Maintain their Schools and other Amenities! 


All Suggestions, Requests, Questions, Problems, etc. Go Here

Do Not leave suggestions like those I listed for this mod in this page's comments. It will be deleted.


New/Modified Vampire Features

Vampires Can:
  • Stand very still without blinking at any time through the solo interaction “Relax” for around 2 sim-hours
  • Growl, Hiss, and Bare Teeth At other vampires and hybrids 
  • Always “Run Vampirically” except for manual Sim-Walking
  • Always drink from Sims. many times
  • Can kill their nonvampiric targets if they lose control--if left for too long without feeding
  • Turn sims by force
  • by Default, run in super speed (no black streaks) AND walk as a normal sim....but only if one clicks the ground and click "Sim Walk Here"
  • Stay clean--unless they get into “dirty” situations
  • NOT eat human food at all without feeling weird
  • NOT sleep, nap, or use the toilet
  • NOT change into their EA dark forms
  • NOT change into bats or teleport as mist
  • ONLY try to kill each other in fights in the new “Attack!” (Evil, Mean, Insane) or “Attempt to Kill” (non-Evil, Mean, and Insane) interactions
  • Take violent revenge for their "Mate"’s death
  • Or Just Fight to the Death!

Werewolves Mimic the Arcane "Children of the Moon" and with this Mod They:

  • cannot reproduce through Woohoo. At All. Only through the Bite!
  • cannot react to the more "positive" aspects of vampire looks while in their werewolf beast form

The Transformation

A vampire is still able to offer to turn a sim into a vampire, but now they can also turn a sim against their will through the renamed interaction “Bite and Turn!”

They cannot force-turn their human mates nor “Offer to Turn Immortal” them. 

A human sim can ask their vampiric lover to turn them with “Plead to Turn to Be Together” and vampires or hybrid vampires can ask their nonoccult/human lovers through “Beg to Consider Eternal Life”. Both interactions are under the "Vampire" or Vampire Hybrid" menus.

When sims turn, they fall to the ground and writhe in agony for the entire transformation! (Careful, they will lie and stay outside!) 

Their needs will completely freeze until the last day/hours.


After the Transformation

After a sim becomes a vampire, they will have a new buff called “Newborn” for 14 or so sim days.  New vampires will be so thirsty for plasma that they can and probably will attack the nearest nonvamp or hybrid vamp. Until the buff disappears at the end of the two sim-weeks or so.

After the buff disappears, all vampires become “Sim Drinkers”. To change their hunting practice and become an “Animal Drinker”, look below in *Hunting, New Traits, and Appearance Changes.

Vampires will lose their freckles, moles, and tattoos (in-game) if you download the AddOn for it. They will also not have makeup in-game. 

You can still add fangs to them in CAS and they will appear in-game, but they don't usually have them right after they first transform.

Look below in the *Hunting, New Traits, and Appearance Changes section for more about this.

BEFORE (Human)

AFTER (After Transformation; Diet UnChosen) 

AFTER (Newborn)

AFTER (Sim Drinker)

AFTER (Animal Drinker)

A New Occult

Vampire Hybrid:
  • a part-occult born from vampire fathers/impregnators and non-vampiric mothers/birthers
  • are born with a few Vampire powers: speed and strength (fighting) that appear after they age up to Teen
  • can eat ordinary food AND drink plasma (but eating doesn't satisfy thirst need); only vamp and vamp hybrid children can drink out of plasma pouches
  • can sleep
  • DON'T use the toilet 
  • CANNOT get sick
  • DON'T  have appearance variances apart from skin much smoother than humans'
  • elicit a "reaction"/buff at times from other occults
  • can only age up to Young Adult and are completely infertile
  • if a Toddler, reacts to their mother's/birther’s death if they die
  • *HAS A NEW PLUMBOB* (image below)

From Toddler up, both vampire hybrids and vampires can change their plasma source through either of the two self-interactions: 

"Choose to Hunt Sims" versus "Choose to Hunt Animals"

Hybrid vampires cannot age up from Young Adult into Adult nor Elder. (Without Cheats)

Conception and Birth

Female humans--or humans who can give birth--won't be able to give birth anymore after they turn into a vampire. 

Male vamps--or those who have the ability to impregnate--can still impregnate other nonvampric sims. 

Birthers/mothers will die in the next 2 sim hours from the violent birth if a vampire doesn't turn them in time! Only Nonoccults, or humans, have the ability to die. (I am going the Harry Potter route, with spellcasters being able to save themselves and others from dying of things like childbirth. This does NOT mean there's a new spell against this death!)

Hunting, New Traits, and Appearance Changes


Vampires and vampire hybrids (vampiric sims)  can either be an "Animal Drinker" or a "Sim Drinker"

The vampire drinking traits come as both Personality and Gameplay traits while the hybrid vampire traits are just Gameplay traits. The vampire Personality traits are under "Lifestyle".

To become a Sim Drinker without using CAS, a vampire can just drink from a random nonvamp sim, as stated already.  Same for vamp hybrids. You can also click "Choose to Hunt Sims" under "Vampires" or "Vampire Hybrid".

To become an Animal Drinker in-game, click "Choose to Hunt Animals" under "Vampires"  or "Vampire Hybrid".

There are two versions of this mod: "Bloodless" and "Bloody".  Put only one version in your "Mods" folder.

"Bloodless" doesn't have any of the blood features/CC I created for the first update of this mod, which is continued in the second "Bloody" version.  It has no blood and sims do not have to go to wash off blood after an attack.



Sim Drinkers do not have to kill all of their victims.  But if they want to, they can under "Drain and Kill".  (For the sake of virtual population control. There aren't enough nonoccult sims to make up for the bevy of vampires I know some of you will make!)

There is only one other blood-drinking interaction--"Feed On"--that has victims survive their attacks.  Vampires don't have to know or ask for any sims' permission to...partake. (Not Twilight canon, but again,  there is a limited number of sims and we need population control.)

After a nonvamp survives a vampire drinking from them, they can wash off the blood by clicking on any shower or bath and click "Remove Blood and Recover".  (If you use the "Bloody" version.)

"Animal Drinkers" get plasma/blood by going to hunt for animals in either of two rabbit hole interactions for at least two sim hours: "Go Hunting for Animals" OR the group interaction, "Go Hunting with..."

Sim drinkers can go hunting for animals, but an Animal drinker must take them with them so that they can do so. 

Vampires can drink from vampire hybrids! (Debately Canon) Beware--if they're thirsty enough, they can target hybrid vampires for their blood! 

Vampire hybrids can't drink from other hybrid vampires.

If a vampiric sim drinks from a nonvampire who has a vampiric “Mate”, all relationships between the drinking mate, their own mate, the mate with the mate of the drunken, and the mate of the drinking vampire will decrease.

[If you downloaded the "Bloody" version of the mod] All vampires and hybrids will become thirstier every time they are in the same neighborhood as a sim who has been fed on and is bloody even if they are the ones who just fed on that sim! (To get them to stop being so thirsty, have your vampiric sim only hunt through the rabbithole, get the victim to wash themselves off while that vampire is away with "Remove Blood and Recover", or just kill victims with "Drain and Kill" so their body goes away. Your vampire can then feed through the rabbit hole hunting interaction.)

Vampires and vampire hybrids who are Toddlers and who are above the Child state cannot get their blood from the EA plasma pouches. Only vampire and vampire hybrid Children can drink out of the pouches to satisfy their Thirst motive.


  • All vampires have smoother skin than nonvamps, darker circles under the eyes, and a particular eye color based on how they get their blood/plasma. They DO NOT get paler!  
  • Look all the way below to see about Sparkles.
  • (if you get the AddOn) Sims will lose all their makeup, tattoos, freckles, scars,  birthmarks but not their dimples or moles after they transform into a vampire. Everything is still visible in CAS, though.
  • Sim Drinkers have dark red eyes; Animal Drinkers have yellow/orange eyes. Newborn Vampires, however they hunt, have very bright red eyes. 
  • Vampire hybrids don’t get a new eye color however they take their blood/plasma. Their eye colors are inherited genetically.


Vampires and vampire hybrids who are Toddlers and who are above the Child state cannot get their blood from the EA plasma pouches. Only vampire and vampire hybrid Children can drink out of the pouches to satisfy their Thirst motive.

Vampires and vampire hybrids will not need to get plasma as often as normal EA vampires, but Newborn vampires will always be thirsty. 

As they get thirstier, any and all vampires receive darker circles under their eyes and by the 2nd thirst buff, they receive black eyes.


A New Romantic Relationship and Other Relationships

What is a "Mate", and How to Become Mates

A "Mate" is imagined as a sim's most important and eternal lover who they prioritize over everyone else, including themselves (canonically, sometimes....remember James?). 

Canonically, this is likely because of a vampire's own inability to forget anything (including their feelings for someone) and the intensity and enhancement of their emotions/instincts seem to prevent them from pursuing other meaningful romantic relationships with any true commitment and dedication. This is my observation of Twilight mates.

Now both vampires and vampire hybrids can choose a mate of any occult. Only pairs with one of them being either a vampire or a vampire hybrid can become mates.  No matter how small their romance bar is, as long as the romance bar is visible and not negative, the sim will always agree to become mates.  (In Twilight, people just fall in love/lust and there is no formal asking or ceremony.)

Two sims become mates through the interactions:

  • "Form an Eternal Bond" (the vampire’s interaction under "Vampire")
  • "Express Deep Feelings" (the nonvampiric sim's interaction under "Vampire Contact")
  • "Bond with Forever" (the vampire hybrid’s interaction under "Vampire Hybrid")

They also automatically become Romantic Partners/Boyfriends/Girlfriends after mating, if they aren't already that, Engaged, or Married. 

Mates can never "Ask to Be Just Friends", break up,  or divorce!

Messing with Mates 

If a vampiric sim decides to either drink from or fight another sim's mate, the violent vampire, any existing mate of that violent vampire, and the mate of the target will all have their relationship decrease!

Mates' Deaths

Even after a mate’s death, sims won't be able to be romantic with other sims (without cheats) and will always mourn them, even the nonvampiric sims! Think of the Eternal Widower/Widow.

Vampiric sims will become enraged and have the urge to take violent revenge if their mate was killed by another vampiric sim! (If they were present at their death, same town/world.) They will also get depressed and stay so forever...until they themselves die.

Nonvampiric sims cannot take revenge and will only get sad for a limited time. It will be next to impossible for them to consider other sims as a  new romantic partner during their mourning, but it is possible.

After a mate's death, there will be five new relationships in a "murder pentagon":

  • “Kill”--The sim who a vampiric sim kills through fights or drinking.
  •  “Mate’s Killer”--The murderer of a vampiric sim's mate.
  • “Mate of Kill”--The mate of a vampiric sim's murder victim.
  • “Mate of Mate’s Killer”--The mate of the sim who murdered a vampiric sim's mate.
  • “Mate of Mate’s Kill”--The mate of the sim who was murdered by a vampiric sim's mate. 

Example 1

If Marsha is mated to Sarah, 

and Nathan is mated to Korey, 

and Marsha kills Korey,


  • Korey becomes a "Kill" to Marsha,
  • Nathan becomes the "Mate of Kill" for Marsha,
  • Marsha becomes the "Mate's Killer" for Nathan,
  • Sarah becomes the "Mate of Mate's Killer" for Nathan,
  • And Nathan becomes the "Mate of Mate's Kill" for Sarah.

Example 2, Actual Scenario from the Books

If James was Victoria's mate, 

and Edward sees Bella as his mate, 

and after Edward killed James, 


  • James became a "Kill" to Edward,
  • Victoria became the "Mate of Kill" for Edward,
  • Edward became the "Mate's Killer" for Victoria,
  • Bella becomes the "Mate of Mate's Killer" for Victoria,
  • And Victoria becomes the "Mate of Mate's Kill" for Bella, even though Bella's human.

Nonvamps can die if a vampiric sim drains them entirely of plasma through the interaction "Drain and Kill"! They don't die under two (renamed) blood-drinking interactions "Feed On".

If a vampiric sim doesn't acknowledge their lover as their mate, they won't seek out revenge if they are killed.

Though they'll be very sad for some time. They aren't monsters...


New Deaths

1. "Death by Attack

2. "Death by Vampire Attack"             

3. "Death by a Supernatural Birth" 

Image: Non Vamp Dead from a Vamp Attack

Image: Vampiric Sim Dead from a Vamp Attack

Nonvampiric sims can now also die of two ways. 

They can die by "Death by Vampire Attack" if a vampiric sim drains them entirely of plasma through the interaction "Drain and Kill"! However, they can't die under the "Feed On" interaction.

Only impregnated, human/non-occult sims can die after they give birth to vampires hybrids: "Death by a Supernatural Birth"

Vampires and vampire hybrids (vampiric sims) can only die of vampire or vampire hybrid attacks: "Death by Attack".

Either occult can begin an attack through the interactions of "Attempt to Kill", "Attack", "Avenge Dead Mate", "Fight to the Death!". (Even if they're struck by lightning, vampiric sims will survive!)


Interaction: “Avenge Dead Mate!”

If a vampiric sim succeeds in killing their mate's murderer or the non-vampiric mate of their mate's murderer, the attacking vampiric sim will no longer need revenge. The murder pentagon cycles again, according to who killed who...

And it all continues until every relevant sim is dead or the last sim stands! (Refer to the Mates' Deaths Section Above)


Even Deadlier Vampire Fights

Through “Fight to the Death!”, one of the vampiric sims will have an even higher chance of dying!

 Be careful, there’s a chance your sim will die, even if they don’t instigate the fight!


With Other Mods (Optional/AddOns)
Wicked Whims/Wonderful Whims

Sims will react to a vampire's appearance or presence. If a vampire doesn't have the "Unique Appearance" WW trait, vampires won’t react.  Sims who are in their werewolf beast form won't react at all.

If the vampire has the WW "Unique Appearance" trait, other vampires will notice, vampire hybrids will be in more awe, and everyone else will be even more dazed. Again, werewolves--in their beast form--don't react.



Translations Available -- Thank You for Your Fantastic Work!

Portuguese --> by AllGeekSims



*The Twilight series must also be noted as extremely problematic for its discriminatory structures, character designs, social dynamics, etc.*

Use this mod with this awareness, do your research, and please donate to the Quileute Move to Higher Ground Movement to help the tribe relocate important community infrastructure out of flood zones!

A) Necessary Packs

You only need the Vampires Game Pack for this mod to work.

B) You Need these Mods for My Twilight Mod to Work 

 The XML Injector: https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector 

 Trait Tracker Injector: https://mal22.itch.io/trait-tracker-injector 

C) Mod Conflicts:    

  • Frankk's Language Barriers (doesn't allow mating) 
  •  LittleMSam's New Vampire Powers  
  • FalseHope's Mutual End 
  •  Zer0′s Vampires Can Kill 
  •  Zer0's Immersive Vampires (doesn't allow vamp hybrid pregnancies) 
  •  Iced Cream's All-in-One Occult Hybrid Stabilizer

D) Tools Used:

E) Credits to these Creators. I Made Edits of  their Skins:

F) Sparkles 

If you want the sparkles, you'd have to add them yourself using Pralinesims’ SkinGlitter Frost in CAS. By their TOU, I can't add it to my site for others to download, nor can I use it in my mod.  Link to Skin 

Detail: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1450772 The glitter/frost/sparkles won’t show up whenever the sun’s out--instead, they'll just always be there.

G) "Gifts"/Powers

There will never be any new gifts/powers (except tracking?). If you have ever read the books and studied the Twilight lore, vampires' powers stem from their personal traits/slash abilities that are then enhanced into becoming gifts/powers to various intensities. 

I would have to rewrite a lot of code in the game to do that and I simply don't have the knowledge, access, or time for that.

H) Werewolves & Covens

This mod is probably never going to have a highly developed sort of European werewolves, but I will try.  I will also try and see if I can make Coven-making a thing.

BUT it will never have Quileute werewolves/"shapeshifters". For the best experience possible in the werewolf department, I suggest you download a werewolf mod for werewolves. I recommend Spinning Plumbombs', it's truly incredible. I might make an AddOn just for it so that my mod's integrated with theirs. 

 To create covens, I suggest using the club system of the Get Together pack.

I) Empty bubbles/Interactions

For some people, some interactions' bubbles are completely empty. There is no real solution to this that I have found other than restringing all the text after each Sims 4 update. Use this mod with this in mind.

Donate to the Move to Higher Ground Effort!

Updated 3 minutes ago
CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Made withGIMP
TagsSims 4, sims-4-mod, sims4mod, twilight, twilightsaga, twilightseries, Vampire
Average sessionA few minutes


[AvathePit] Twilight Saves_MWSVersion.rar 318 MB
[AvathePit] Twilight Saves_NonMWSVersion.rar 315 MB
[AvathePit] TwilightMod_AddOn_DisableMakeupSkinDetailsTatsScarsALL.package 16 kB
[AvathePit] TwilightMod_AddOn_WickedorWonderfulWhims.package 17 kB
[AvathePit] TwilightMod-MAIN_Bloodless 1.1.package 9.2 MB
[AvathePit] TwilightMod-MAIN_Bloody 1.1.package 9.2 MB

Install instructions


Download only one of the "Bloody" versus "Bloodless" packages. Place your .package file directly into your Sims 4 "Mods" folder. 

The AddOns are not necessary for the whole mod to work, but if you have WickedWhims or Wonderful Whims in your "Mods" folder and want to use them with my mod, then I strongly suggest that you download my AddOn for those mods. Otherwise, your sims will not "react" to the vampire who is neither pretty/ugly.


Always delete these files/folders from your "Sims 4" folder before you play your game:

  1. all the pictures you see inside the "cache" folder
  2. "spotlightcache" (it is inside the "cachestr" folder)--> DON'T delete the "cachestr" folder.
  3. "clientDB"
  4. "onlinethumbnailcache"-->You CAN delete this folder.
  5. "localthumbcache"

Development log

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(1 edit)

For anyone wondering the cheat to make your sim a hybrid is traits.equip_trait trait_occult_vampirehybrid

(1 edit)

guys if one of you wish to pick up where she left off and make do better than her you guys need to email her


My heart is broken to hear you will no longer be able to support this mod. It’s been the only thing keeping me interested in TS4 vampires. I hope someone will adopt this mod because it is one of my favorites to play with. 
- take care

Heyy, i've downloaded it but my sims cant be turned or ask to get turned. no transformation. whenever they ask for eternal life the dialoge happens but the transformation doesnt.

Also my child vampire sims are unable to go to sleep when I click on their beds. There’s no option for going to sleep!

(2 edits)

this goes to the suggestions page. Please migrate this post there for me to answer.

I’m unable to click on my sims while in CAS or change their outfits or add the sparkle effect while in CAS. Could you please fix this?

This goes to the suggestions page. Migrate this post there to get an answer. Also, please note that I can't have suggestions made on this page. In the mod description above, you will see a link to the Suggestions page. I will not answer any questions from persons after the second time.

Woohoo!!! i cant wait to get this in my game!


It works again thank you so much!!!!!

Avathepit im so sorry i swear i know you just released this update but its a bug and i cant click on any of my sims can you fix it again im SO SO Sorry

I am having the same issue.  I thought it was one of my other mods until I removed this one and I could click on my sims.

Thank you for the recent update! I'm so excited to be playing with my vampire sims again!

Deleted 1 year ago

wait is she done is the mod broken bc it was fun

We'll have to wait and see, especially since there's a new pack coming soon.

sadly i dont think anything will come from it

hello ! I download the mod and my human and vampire sims can’t have romantic interaction or make baby , It’s Normal ? 

unfortunately, the mod hasn't been updated in a while, so some things don't function the way they should be (missing romantic interactions, inability to woohoo, etc.).


Any updates about the mod? Have you found anyone who can help with it?

About your recent post, have you considered contacting someone like adeepindigo or the Discord server Sims After Dark? Maybe even LazyDuchess from Tumblr?

hey! ive just seen ypour recent dev log, i would definetly reach out to creators like, a deep indigo, sacrificial, littlemssam, wicked pixxel pandasama etc, theyre lovely creators so im sure one of them wouldnt mind helping you out with the mod, would be soo sad to see this mod retire but fingers crossed you can figure the issue out, thanks for keeping us updated best of wishes x

Let's hope they help!

Thanks for the recent update!

(1 edit)

UPDATE: I asked BogusAva about the mod and they said:
"Yes, I am waiting for Growing Together to come around so I don't have to redo the updates needed."

Forgot to add that I asked on Instagram

absolutely fantastic can’t wait Ava!

has this mod been abandoned it hasnt had an update since last year i really truly hope its not its my favourite mod above all others!<3

From what I learned on Insta, it will be updated but AvaThePit is waiting for Growing Together to come around

wait what?! What Insta can you tell me the handle please? and I really hope so, I love this mod haha

(1 edit)

@bogusavathepit - all I did was comment on their recent post and ask about the mod

What happened to the mod? Is it obsolete? Sims cannot woohoo anymore and it conflicts with many mods

i think its broke and she stopped working on it

let's hope someone like adeepindigo picks it up. we can't allow this mod to die, it's one of the best

yes so true i hope she hasnt stopped working on it and were just waiting on a big update thats taking longer than expected but id be so sad if it has been abandoned

is anyone in contact with AvaThePit online or something? If so, have you contacted her to ask about the mod's status?

Deleted 2 years ago

Belongs in the Suggestions page.

Deleted 2 years ago

This post belongs on the Suggestion page. Please place it there.

Deleted 2 years ago

Please leave queries and notices about the performance of the mod in comments of the Suggestions page.

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

Please leave queries and notices about the performance of the mod in comments of the Suggestions page.

you gave us the best parts of twilight and kept out all the iffy racist details and for that i thank you VERY MUCH. your mod is seriously so immersive

(1 edit)

Thank you! Yep, I was/am only really interested in the vampire lore of Twilight anyway (as for the skin....nvm my feeling on that has been repeated many times).

Deleted 2 years ago

No, not really. 

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

As the mod description should say, you cant remove that moodlet. Vampires stay sad forever at the loss of ther mate in my mod because Twilight vampires canonically cannot forget their mate even after they die.

This comment also does not belong here. Please direct your problems, suggestions and questions to the Suggestions Page in my main page. 

As I have said before, I am just deleting comments of this nature if I see them on this page.

And why I think it is a good idea to have werewolves as an occult is because I know we have a new spinning plumbob werewolf mod but I feel like with you making a mod it would be more connective with your mod and also it would be cool to see a shapeshifter imprint on someone

(2 edits)

All good ideas. Also a reminder: these are all just speculations for a potential feature. There are no guarantees!

i think it would be a great idea to make shapeshifters in your mod it would be so fun. Btw can you make the shapeshifter gene dormant until the teen age. Also could a shapeshifter and vampire make a hybrid just asking?

Deleted 2 years ago

If this is a question about the Twilight lore, then yes exactly. 

Cis vampire women cannot have biological children. Those who are equipped with the "wombs" will not be able to as a vampire.  (In quotes because can we actually open up a sim to see if they have wombs?)

Canonically,--in the Twilight universe--human cis women and anyone equipped with wombs will very likely die when they give birth to the offspring of vampires that are equipped with a male reproductive system. Bella Swan, the protagonist of the Twilight series, nearly dies giving birth to Renesmee until Edward and the others save her with vampire venom, preparation, observation, tech, and some fast-moving.

But if you're asking about the mod:

Firstly, sorry about this long, probably unnecessary explanation. 

Secondly, all questions about the mod go to my Suggestions page HERE. Otherwise, your comment will be deleted without a response. Something to remember in the future.

Thirdly, since I'm following canon Twilight, the same rules apply. In my mod, you can save your human birth-giver by turning them, but you're on a clock. If you don't turn them within 2 sim hours, they will die.

thank you! Also, this mod is amazing

Deleted 2 years ago

This should go to my Suggestions Page. This post will be deleted in the next two hours. 

Please remember that I have pointed this out in the mod description above.

ok thank you

You know you could put your question/suggestion on the suggestion page if you still want to? I will answer it there.

this is not a comment on your self-confidence its just what you have done for me. You have made the sims 4 vampires so fun and life changing at first i was like why did i buy this pack so i started to look for some fun vampire mods for vampires and then i saw this mod i went to go check it out. It looked so fun so i to check out what twilight was so i read a few book and watched All the movies and i saw that twilight is amazing and then i downloaded this mod and when i went on the game and my prayers had been answered. Because this mod changed my vampires i love it so much i was so sick of the energy bars, sunlight, mist, bat form, and regular vampire babies. It's made my vampires realistic and so fun i love this mod so thank you so much Avathepit.

I am glad that you're enjoying my mod so much even in its beta form! 

I recommend reading The Twilight Illustrated Guide if you haven't read it yet but also to read up more on what fair critics have to say about the book series (basically those who aren't complaining about how Twilight vampires aren't "real" vampires).   Try therealvinelle, troquantary, the carnivorousmuffin, and panlight on Tumblr for cool Twilight blogs that focus more on the books than the movies. Sometimes they consider the movies, but they are largely against them.

Enjoy playing.