Aristocrat, Royalty, & Paramour Career Pack for the Sims 4
A downloadable mod
You can't just be anyone to associate with everyone! Status and rank matter more than most else, and your titles reflect upon your bearing!
With 13 new careers and new relationships in this pack, you can officially become a noble, royal, or the lover of a noble or a royal! Adopted from three different societies of real history ("Europe", Heian Japan, Tang-dynasty China, Mali Empire, and a mixing of different eras of the Ottoman empire's existence).
Sims can now also become the "paramour" of either a noble or a royal sim under 2 new interactions.
- European Aristocracy
- European Royalty
- EU - Illegitimate Child [Pt Time]
- Japanese Aristocracy (Heian)
- Japanese Royalty
- Chinese Aristocracy (Tang - ish Dynasty)
- Chinese Royalty
- Ottoman Aristocracy
- Ottoman Royalty
- Mali Aristocracy
- Mali Royalty
- Paramour [Pt Time]
- Royal Paramour [Pt Time]
Very Important -> If you choose the Royalty Mod version of this mod, when you want to choose one of my "Aristocrat" careers, you need to ONLY have a "baron", "count", or a "marquis" trait. If you have a royal trait AND a noble trait at the same time, you won't be able to join an "Aristocrat" career! Whereas if you have both a royal trait AND a noble trait, you can still join a "Royalty" career. Still, if you want to add a concubine level from a "Royalty" career (under the Concubine branch), I suggest you add a crown royal trait, join said career/level, and then remove the crown royal trait if you want the concubine to stay a baron or whatever.
EXAMPLE (Japanese Royalty)
Base Level
- "Crown Royal": Any member of the royal family.
After choosing a branch, the sim will be either someone who married into the imperial family (consorts) or one directly descended from a royal.
- "Consorts": Those Married into the 皇室 (kōshitsu/kouzoku) Imperial Family.
- “Of the Direct Lineage”: The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood.
- "Imperial Concubines 側室 (sokushitsu)": Sims who the Imperial sovereign has either favored or has taken on as their secondary consort, never outranking their main consort: the 親王妃 (shinnoh), "Emporer Consort", or "High Imperial Consort". These are those who lived with the imperial sovereign to produce imperial children and heirs for them. They are not formally married to the Imperial Soveriegn, and are not part of the imperial family, but they are part of the imperial household. Their children with the Imperial Sovereign can be "adopted" at any time by the Imperial Sovereign's main consort.
Base Level
- "Married into the Family"
Secondary Branches
- "皇后 (kōgō -- Empress Consort)": The main female consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after birthing their heir.
- “*Emperor Consort*”: The main male consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after siring their heir.
- "High Imperial Consort": The main consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after having their heir.
- “親王妃 (shinnoh / ohi -- Princess Consort)”: Female consort of a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
- “*Prince Consort”: Male consort of a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
- “Imperial Consort”: Gender-neutral for the consort of the non-ruling member of the family.
- "女院 (nyōin)": A woman who gets treated similarly as a retired Emporer because they are a close female relative of the Imperial Sovereign or a woman of comparable standing. Can be the mother, wife, aunt, etc. of an abdicated or current Imperial Sovereign..
- "*Emperor Emeritus*": The male consort of the abdicated, former Imperial Sovereign.
- "Imperial Consort of the daijo": Gender-neutral for the consort of the abdicated, former Imperial Sovereign.
Of the Direct Lineage
Base Level
- "The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood.."
Secondary Branches
- "天皇 (tennō -- Emperor )": A male imperial Sovereign.
- “女性天皇 (josei tennō -- Empress)”: A female imperial Sovereign.
- "Imperial Sovereign”: Gender-nuetral for the Sovereign.
- "王女 (naishinno / ōjo -- Princess)":
- “王子 (shinno / ōji -- Prince)”:
- “Imperial Family Member”: Gender-neutral for any close relative of the imperial sovereign.
- “太上天皇 (daijō tennō -- Emperor Emeritus)”:The abdicated, former emperor .
- "*(daijō josei tennō --Empress Emerita)": The abdicated, former empress.
- Imperial Emerit: Gender-neutral for the former, abdicated Imperial Sovereign.
Imperial Concubines 側室 (sokushitsu)
[NOTE: If you downloaded the Royalty Mod version of this pack, you must have a Llazyneiph Royalty trait to access this career, so after joining as a concubine or however you wish to think of it, you & probably should think of removing the royalty trait if you want your concubines to remian just "nobles". This goes for the Chinese royalty career (where the concubine branch is) as well.]
- 嬪 (Hin -- "Beauty")
- 夫人 (Fujin -- "Madame")
- 妃 (Hi -- "Consort")
Those in Royal marriages cannot divorce and those in paramour-lover OR concubine-"keeper" relationships cannot break up.
Both paramours and concubines can now receive gifts from their keepers/lovers ("Household") through either "Give Special Gift to Paramour" or the interaction "Give Gift to Pleasing Concubine".
The EU Careers
"Paramour" // "Lover" // "Former Paramour" // "Former Lover"
Those with those careers can ask sims to be their intimate companion, and that sim will automatically join either Paramour career according to what career that sim has. Royal sims (Of the Blood, NOT Consorts or those born Illegitimately) or Noble Sims.
Find under "Relationship" --> "Change Relationship (ignore the picture above).
Those with those careers can ask sims to be their intimate companion, and that sim will automatically join either Paramour career according to what career that sim has. Royal sims (Of the Blood, NOT Consorts or those born Illegitimately) or Noble Sims.
If/when they decide to end those relationships, you must go to "Mean" for the "End Relationship" interaction. The "Former Paramour"/"Former Lover" relbits will be added and the sims will be "fired" from their paramour careers.
If you somehow get back together, the "former" relbits will be removed and the nonformer ones reapplied.
The original EA "Ask to Be Partner" will NOT yield these results. You also shouldn't use EA's "Break Up" interaction, either to end the relationships.
"Born Out of Marriage" (One's Bastard)
Through the Interactions "Acknowledge..." or (if you have only one eligible child) "Acknowledge Child" under the PieMenuCategory "Household", EU Aristocratic and Royal Sims can openly acknowledge a child they had out of wedlock. The first interaction lets you select which children, if there is more than one. Selected children will receive the EU "Illegitimate Scion" career if the parent worked with is a has the EU Aristocrat career/the Illegitimate Royal Scion career if their parent has the EU Royal career. Regardless if the other parent is noble, royal, or has no career and is technically a "peasant".
"Spouse's Paramour" // "Lover's Spouse"
Through the Interaction "Introduce Self to Lover's Spouse..." under the PieMenuCategory "Household", Aristocratic and Royal Sims will be "introduced" to the legally married partner of their lover...so you NEED to have set up the Paramour-Lover relationships first!
"Illegitimate Sibling" // "Legitimate Sibling"
Through the Interaction "Introduce Self to Sibling..." under the PieMenuCategory "Household", illegitimate scions of either the noble or royal lineages aged from child up will "introduce" themselves to the their legitimate siblings..so you NEED to have set up the Bastard relbit first!!
"Spouse's Bastard" // "Parent's Spouse"
Through the Interactions "Introduce Self to Parent's Spouse..." and "Introduce Self to Spouse's Bastard..."under the PieMenuCategory "Household", illegitimate scions of either the noble or royal lineages aged from child up will "introduce" themselves to the their parent's legal spouse and vice versa...so you NEED to have set up the Bastard relbit first!!
"Lover's Other Paramour" // "Lover's Former Other Paramour"
If a royal/noble has more than one paramour, those paramours can introduce themselves to another through the Interaction "Greet _________" under the PieMenuCategory "Household", ..so you NEED to have set up the Paramour relationships first!! In event of breakups, the "Lover's F Paramour" should be triggered for all existing paramours.
The Chinese, Japanese, and Ottoman Careers
💕🏚 "Concubine" // "Keeper"🏚💕
Unlike the paramour relationships, sims will not attain a "former" anything relationship if one manages to break up sims. You can't or shouldn't be able to, anyway. Once a concubine, always one (unless one rises up to become the Imperial Sovereign's Main Consort--feature not yet available).
You can get a sim to become your concubine by either asking them (one-on-one "Ask to Be Concubine" interaction under "Household", from higher-ranked sim to a lower-ranked one)
OR, if you are royal
starting a "Royal Selection of Concubines" event and using a self interaction "Select Concubines" during said event. Said new concubines will join the career according to their respective "Keeper"s.
🔔"Spouse's Concubine" // "Keeper's Spouse" 🔔
Through the Interaction "Introduce Self to Keeper's Spouse..." under the PieMenuCategory "Household", Aristocratic and Royal Sims will be "introduced" to the legally married partner of their lover.
So you NEED to have set up the "Concubine" - "Keeper" relationships first!
UNLIKE paramours, concubines neither their "keepers" can end the relationship.
If you are royal, you can "promote" or "demote" your concubines through "Raise Concubine's Rank"/"Lower Concubine's Rank" under "Royal Ranking", under "Household".
IF you have MizoreYukii's Arranged Marriage Mod, all sims get a new self-interaction: "Review Available Sims for Marriage..." (doesn't proceed to anything):

IF you have llazyneiph's Royalty mod, sims will automatically join the base level of either the EU or Ottoman Royalty/Aristocrat careers upon aging up to Child.(They must live in Oasis Springs upon aging to grow into the OTTOMAN career; all other regions will use the EU career.)
IF you have my Medieval Monk AND Medieval Nun careers, sims in either the EU aristocratic or royalty careers can "send" Or ask to be "sent" into a life of a monk or a nun through the interactions "Assign an Ascetic Life" & "Ask for an Ascetic Life".
Sims who can send or be asked to be sent:
- parent
- grandparent
- great-grandparent [Lumpinou/adeepindigo]
- great great-grandparent [Lumpinou]
- aunt/uncle
- stepparent [Lumpinou/adeepindigo]
- granduncle/aunt [Lumpinou]
- 11/17/24 - Check out this post.
- 9/14/24 - You may now remove the TS4script file and just use Lot51's core library script so the interactions needed will be injected! REDOWNLOAD!!!
- 8/25/24 -- Attempt at fixing the spoken issues abt the UI and some other stuff. There is only one script, as both then RM and nonRM versions share the same script. DO NOT RENAME THE SCRIPT if you download the Royalty Mod-version package!
- 8/10/24 -- [WARNING!!! YOU NEED TO RE-ADD CAREERS FOR THIS NEW UPDATE, I STARTED OVER] Added function/ints where sims can ask others to be their paramour (concubine/mistress, but I call it "paramour" after Dorne in ASoIaF and bc its more gender neutral) and the new paramour will have either the noble or royal paramour career according to the career of the partner
- For the relationship feature, this pack now NEEDS Lot51's Core Library.
- CHOOSE BETWEEN THE VERSIONS IN THE OPTIONS OF PACKAGES TO DOWNLOAD: Non-Royalty Mod version vs Royalty Mod-required version.
- If you wish to use the monarch careers with another mod like Kiarasims4 Royal Family or llazyneiph's Royalty Mod, I suggest you install Turbodriver's Unlimited Jobs mod. The paramour & noble's illeg child careers are available no matter what, since they are Part Time careers.
- The “Titles” do not appear above Sims’ heads! ,
- Always delete the previous version before placing them in your mods folder and playing your game!
- automate the careers after sims marry into the royalty AND aristocracy ✅
- integration with my Monk vs Nun careers for nobles/royals to send their children into those services ✅
- enabling sims to give paramours & concubines monetary AND physical gifts
- create separate relbits/relationships b/t concubines, a concubine's child and the legal spouse, and the siblings
- begin & finish a system of hierarchy from the ranking of concubines among said concubines for each of the different careers along (basically finally build the dynamics of the harem when the "keeper" is away), like concubines punish other concubines w/their higher rankings
- enable monarchs to choose a new spouse--IF said spouse has died--amongst their harem, but only those of thighest rank AS AN OPTION
- make royal paramours' familes demand they make royals grant them "favors"
- include interactions of paramours asking/demanding lover abandon other paramours
- create a new Part time career: "Royal Heir"
- create a "Head of Household" and a "Noble Heir of Household" trait, with special interactions for each
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Update--ARM Career--3/1/25 - BACK FROM BREAK!!!2 days ago
- 2nd Update--ARM Career--2/1/2530 days ago
- Update--ARM Career--2/1/2531 days ago
- New Package -- STRING TABLES32 days ago
- Update--ARM Career--1/26/2535 days ago
- FIX for ARM Career44 days ago
- Update--ARM Career--1/18/2544 days ago
- Update--ARM Career--1/16/2546 days ago